I know I know! I'm sorry! It's rude, childish & puerile...but it HAD to be done I'm afraid...besides, where else y' gunna get hand painted, hand embroidered, hand stuffed blue tits complimenting you...hmm?

So, grab the smelling salts, wipe up that spilt tea vicar and cop a load of this pair of beauties!

A free style painting of a wee blue tit sitting on a stitchy branch watching the world go by.

But wait! You appear to have caught his eye:
"May I say you are particularly lovely today"

"Indubitably!" concurs his wee stitchy friend in the corner

The very polite chap and his posh mate are nestled in amongst the hand stitched undergrowth in all the colours of the rainbow. Also has a bit of glitteryness going on in the shape of some sequinny leaves and golden glass beads

Front is painted and stitched onto unbleached calico. Backing is a heavyweight black and white gingham and is filled with hollowfibre padding. Also features a pink and white spotty ribbon for your suspending pleasure!

Measures approx:Width 10cm x Height 13cm

So if you are looking for something a bit different this Christmas hop on over to my shoppe

MimiLove...for gifts that just keep on givin'...for love that keeps on lovin'!

tata for now...


flamingo said…
very cute:)))
hens teeth said…
Mimilove has been at it again
with pencil, brush and embroidery bits,
her designs are bloomin' wonderful and particularly her ....
ah erm, yes! I think we know where that one is going.

Lovely stuff girly x
Tiff said…
Hahahaha! You are too much. ;)

Love these as usual, Mimi. But whennnnn are you going to do some cock-atiels?! (teehee) I'd like to get my hands on some. Mine is named Spencer.

Hope you are well, ladybird.
Adorable! So bright and cheery on these dark, November days. Bye for now. Lesley x
maria joao moreira said…
It's really lovely! Congratulations for your work!
Dot said…
Oh Mimi - your art is so joyful and colorful! I love your sense of humor too he the title of this post...
Do you sell packs of postcards of your art? I popped over to your etsy site to check out your birds and noticed you sell singles of your postcards.
Meant to thankyou for the lovely email you sent to me via Flickr last week. You are a sweeetheart!
Dot xx
Carol Q said…
ah well - it made me chuckle too! lovely colourful birds. like the way the painted one is sitting surrounded by all the grass and flowers.
Breast ever!!!!

Hens Teeth..... LOL!
Jill said…
Oh i so love your work and your humour - brightened my day wonderfully. I have beautiful tits in my garden too - so a welcome conversation ;)
AeFondKis said…
Mimilove am amazed at your colourful wee tit!
Breast wishes
Linda :) x
Brilliant love your... s

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