Deck the walls with.... of Ollie...FA LA LA LA LA...hold that thought...
By 'eck it's been all go here! I do apologise for my lack of contact with you all, but I've been working away like a thing possessed on Christmas commissions and all sorts of other boring non-stitchy gubbins. But I'm back and planning on a few days of catching up with my bloggy chums...brace yerselves! x;0)
So where woz I?
oh yeah...LA LA LA LARGHHHH!!!!!
Nope I've not got the words wrong and I'm not droppin' me aitches...(for a change)
I'd like to introduce you to Ollie, beloved doggy companion of the wonderous FlorenceWangDesigns.

Now if you don't know Florence's work I urge to visit her shop, not only does she make beautiful jewellery but her textile "paintings" are just DIVINE! Wee slices of New York rendered in cross stitch....cop a visual on her Rockfeller Centre n tell me it doesn't make you go all gooey with Christmassy ice skatey vibes!
Anyroad, Florence was generous enough to commission me to do my stitchy thing. I had a few guidelines; Mr. Ollie's likes and dislikes..PET peeves if you will...(titter) then I was pretty much left to my own devices for the rest, huzzah!...So that's my cue for a good old rifle through photostreams and blogs for inspirational bits and pieces!
(Once again, if you would like to commission a piece of your own, I do keep these things just the right side of stalking, so fear not, you wont find your ATM number and medical records festooned with beads and Engelbert Humperdinck lyircs....that's not to say I wouldn't do that if you asked though...)
So s'nuff of my wittering, lets get to the pics...
Meet Mr.Ollie all watercoloury in shades of golds and deep grey blues...

And bosh! Here is again in all his stitchyness!

Ollie is nestled amongst a positive rainbow of silky hand stitchy undergrowth with scatterings of red and gold glass beads and french knots and everything!

Now I'm told he's none to keen on snow, but I thought he probably wouldn't object too much if it was to snow a boney in amongst the french knot snowflakes, a fluttering of silky stitchy bonio's in silky white and shimmery silver...numnum!
I have included some of the Cole Porter "Too Darn Hot" lyrics:
When the thermometer goes way up
And the weather is sizzling hot
Mr. OlliePants for romance is not
Cos it's too darn....
Hey! Hey!

The lyrics melt into Brian from Family Guy shouting out of his car window...a nod to Ollie and his leaping loon behaviour on car journeys
After some hardcore stalking I also discovered Florence has been learning Mandarin so I've included the Chinese characters for "Good Dog" least I'm hoping that's what it says! :)
Mr.Ollie is currently winging his way to "mum" in New York, therefore I am in my usual state of postal stress disorder, so positive vibes that he gets there safely, speedily and wont be a disappointment in the flesh!
And a big THANK YOU to Florence for trusting me with her precious boy
Once again I cannot tell you how much I love doing this sort of work...just gimme a few guidelines and I'm off for a rummage around in your life! So if you have a furry, scaley, feathery or, er...fleshy chum (I do people to you know!) that you would like festooned with stitchyness you know where to find me
Now I can't show you my next piece as it's a Christmas present for a lady who I know reads my blog/flickr I've got to keep my North n South shut til I know it's been opened but rest assured once I know all is well I shall be blogging like the wind about it!
Before I fall into a mince pie/Christmas pudding induced coma I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to each and every one of you for all your wonderful supportive comments, emails, inspiration, swapsies and indeed purchases! I've made some fabulous new friends from all over the world since I started this blogging mularkey and if ever we meet, you will receive a big MimiLove hug and maybe a've been warned!
Thanks for droppin' by and have a VERY VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS! X;0)
Pass that mince pie...not that one...the big one at the back there...ta
By 'eck it's been all go here! I do apologise for my lack of contact with you all, but I've been working away like a thing possessed on Christmas commissions and all sorts of other boring non-stitchy gubbins. But I'm back and planning on a few days of catching up with my bloggy chums...brace yerselves! x;0)
So where woz I?
oh yeah...LA LA LA LARGHHHH!!!!!
Nope I've not got the words wrong and I'm not droppin' me aitches...(for a change)
I'd like to introduce you to Ollie, beloved doggy companion of the wonderous FlorenceWangDesigns.

Now if you don't know Florence's work I urge to visit her shop, not only does she make beautiful jewellery but her textile "paintings" are just DIVINE! Wee slices of New York rendered in cross stitch....cop a visual on her Rockfeller Centre n tell me it doesn't make you go all gooey with Christmassy ice skatey vibes!
Anyroad, Florence was generous enough to commission me to do my stitchy thing. I had a few guidelines; Mr. Ollie's likes and dislikes..PET peeves if you will...(titter) then I was pretty much left to my own devices for the rest, huzzah!...So that's my cue for a good old rifle through photostreams and blogs for inspirational bits and pieces!
(Once again, if you would like to commission a piece of your own, I do keep these things just the right side of stalking, so fear not, you wont find your ATM number and medical records festooned with beads and Engelbert Humperdinck lyircs....that's not to say I wouldn't do that if you asked though...)
So s'nuff of my wittering, lets get to the pics...
Meet Mr.Ollie all watercoloury in shades of golds and deep grey blues...

And bosh! Here is again in all his stitchyness!

Ollie is nestled amongst a positive rainbow of silky hand stitchy undergrowth with scatterings of red and gold glass beads and french knots and everything!

Now I'm told he's none to keen on snow, but I thought he probably wouldn't object too much if it was to snow a boney in amongst the french knot snowflakes, a fluttering of silky stitchy bonio's in silky white and shimmery silver...numnum!
I have included some of the Cole Porter "Too Darn Hot" lyrics:
When the thermometer goes way up
And the weather is sizzling hot
Mr. OlliePants for romance is not
Cos it's too darn....
Hey! Hey!

The lyrics melt into Brian from Family Guy shouting out of his car window...a nod to Ollie and his leaping loon behaviour on car journeys
After some hardcore stalking I also discovered Florence has been learning Mandarin so I've included the Chinese characters for "Good Dog" least I'm hoping that's what it says! :)
Mr.Ollie is currently winging his way to "mum" in New York, therefore I am in my usual state of postal stress disorder, so positive vibes that he gets there safely, speedily and wont be a disappointment in the flesh!
And a big THANK YOU to Florence for trusting me with her precious boy
Once again I cannot tell you how much I love doing this sort of work...just gimme a few guidelines and I'm off for a rummage around in your life! So if you have a furry, scaley, feathery or, er...fleshy chum (I do people to you know!) that you would like festooned with stitchyness you know where to find me
Now I can't show you my next piece as it's a Christmas present for a lady who I know reads my blog/flickr I've got to keep my North n South shut til I know it's been opened but rest assured once I know all is well I shall be blogging like the wind about it!
Before I fall into a mince pie/Christmas pudding induced coma I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to each and every one of you for all your wonderful supportive comments, emails, inspiration, swapsies and indeed purchases! I've made some fabulous new friends from all over the world since I started this blogging mularkey and if ever we meet, you will receive a big MimiLove hug and maybe a've been warned!
Thanks for droppin' by and have a VERY VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS! X;0)
Pass that mince pie...not that one...the big one at the back there...ta
It is so beautiful!!!!
Liebe Grüße
Linda x
I wanted to tell you that I posted some links to your blog on my last post. Hope you dont mind. I spoke a little about your blog too. Please go check it out, if you dont like anything, I can take it out, but I seriously hope you like it.
A huge hug!!!
Hope all is well and wishing you a wonderful new year... I'm am looking forward to seeing you work as well. Can't get enough :)
como siempre genial!
feliz navidad y prospero año nuevo...
Carolyn x