Dear Henry Dear Henry

So just when I thought it was safe to come out from under the duvet...more snow!?!?!
Enough already!

You may have gleaned from my last post that me n winter just don't mix...granted, you're entering into a whole new season of hot puddings: crumbles n custard, syruppy sponges, I'll give you that, but thumping great lump of snow down the back of the neck as I'm getting out of the motor...NO...suffice it to say the neighbour nearly had heart failure at the ensuing outburst (for which I apologise) :)

I can't moan too much though cos this latest piece is currently winging it's way to Alaska and the lovely lady who commissioned me informs me they had a foot of snow in under a week, which made our 3inches look pretty pathetic...still didn't need down the back of me Gregory though!

So, before we get to the pix, a quick history: this piece is for the lovely Elise, the lampworking artist behind Koicreek Beads...check out her Alaskan inspired pieces and tell me the polar bears and seals don't make you swoon!

(Photo courtesy of Koicreek Beads)
and they're avaible for sale at her Etsy store too!

Myself and Mr.Mimi had a go at lampworking many moons ago, spent a small fortune on glass,mandrels,melty gubbins etc and set off our exciting new venture.

Approx 2 hours later we had achieved an allergic reaction involving breathing difficulties and a red rash all over his face, a pile of snot green glass blobs stuck on the rods and nearly burnt the shed down. It wasn't the new cottage industry I was hoping for. The gear is still in the loft. We never spoke of it again.

Anyway what I'm grasping to get at is...I am in complete AWE of Elise's skills!
Not only is she a glassy artistic genius but a lovely person too and I was really touched that she trusted me with a portrait of her precious wee kitty Henry who had passed away very recently after 16 happy years.

So before I get all emotional again...(there were many tears from both of us during this!)..let's get to the pix eh?

Introducing dear sweet Henry, a very handsome chap indeed

Watercolouryness in shades of bluey greys, lilcas and cobalts

And here he is again surrounded by the stitchery

Elise gave me a free hand with the embroidery just requesting a simple theme featuring flowers and leaves and so forth

The embroidery ranges from soft shimmery greens with hints of lilac and gold; Henry is cradled by a curve of shimmery silver with grasses and leaves ranging from warm sunny oranges and deep red and pinks.

To contrast, a little bunch of Forget-Me-Knots in various blue and turquoise tones (I did a bit of snooping and found they were Alaska's national flower) and I felt were quite fitting

Henry portrait is currently winging it's way to the wilds of Alaska and I'm back under the covers til Spring...but if you want summin painting & stitching I will drag myself out from under them for you... if you're looking for stunning handmade beads...give Elise a nudge...if you're looking for snot green blobs on rods, I'm y woman... x;)

And talking of Alan:

The latest addition to the MimiLove home for waif n strays! Found stumbling around in broad daylight starving hungry, in neighbours garden. He shovelled his way thru a can of kitty dins on his first day but was so cream crackered he kept falling asleep in it. He snores, he makes a soft almost purring sound when content and sleeps with all his legs sticking out! Adorable aint the word!

And here finally, is the 60th birthday portrait I finally got on with.

It hasn't been presented as yet, so if you're reading this and recognise the chap and have a 60th birthday imminent...could you act surprised when you open it please?!

This week I will be painting gnomes and Sting...altho not in the same picture...

Fab week to you all
Thanks for droppin' by!


Carol Q said…
another lovely creation - those embroidered flowers add great texture. you are a fabulous painter- the portrait is amazingly lifelike
Lesley Todd said…
Those portraits! They're brilliant! Love what you do with your watercolours and embroidery.

Lucky hedgehog to find itself next door to you. I wonder if they'd usually be waking up by now but winter's dragging on and on! He or she is adorable! Snoring and sleeping in such a funny position. So cute it hurts!!
Lesley Todd said…
Sorry just realised the hedgehog is called Alan! That'll be a boy then! Hehe! How did you come up with that name? :-)
meplusmolly said…
All blooming 'A' mazing as is the norm and expected of you! (nothing like setting the bar high eh?!) Can I just say what's wrong with Sting and gnomes in the same pic, think it would be great! hehe ;0 X
Sam said…
Beautiful Beautiful!!
Sam xx
AeFondKis said…
Hi, your kitty is lovely but your 60 year old boy man is even lovelier! Here kitty kitty man!
Linda x
beefranck said…
Gorgeous. You have such incredible skill!
Clare said…
I've always found it best to avoid talk of rashes! and my word your commission looks good for 60!Have a lovely week x
Angie Larkin said…
So fun to check in with you.
Well, you have got Henry to a 'T' - there'll be more tears when he arrives in Alaska! Love the embroidery, it almost flows.

Hope that you are snow free now, best wishes, Lesley
L said…
Such nice works! As usual! I really liked the portrait but my favorite is the sweet kitty! Mimi you rock!
Hehehe, funny you say you are tired of snow becouse Im melting in Brazil! Do you wanna switch places??
Big hug!!!
In complete awe!!!!!!!!

You are some chick :0)

Oh, and I'm in love with Alan x
Jolie said…
See, now i could totally go for a Sting-and-gnomes compilation myself! (with a few Manilow lyrics, of course!)
littledear said…
you crack me up girlie! I love your posts. :D You're so full of creativity! lovely new work!
Joanie Hoffman said…
It's so much fun to read your blog, and to see what you've been up to (artwise, of course)!
Excellent stuff as always.
My sister has a hedgehog (Mossy), and she's about as cuddly as my tarantulas were. But she is very, very cute.
Cheers to my favorite artist.
Claire said…
Crumbles n custard, syruppy sponges, hot puds, I feel the kilos creeping on already, my mouth is watering, bring on winter.
Although pretty to look at I imagine snow is a bit dreary to live with at times.
Henry's portrait is lovely, you always manage to give it that personal touch.

Love that cute polar bear and wonderful portrait, so much talent, hmmmm, think I shall go and find recipe for syruppy pud and devour it all my self.
Anonymous said…
What beautiful work you produce, I can see me becoming a regular reader.
Hello YOU!

You've captured Henry's likeness perfectly. I had to laugh at Alan, flat out like that, a bit like me this morning only I hadn't eaten my way through a tin of kitty dins (well, not at that stage anyway). I've got to ask ... sorry ... why is he called Alan?

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