Never Mind the Pollocks

Ah, Gawd bless yer Mr.McClaren...

Well I hope you are all fine and dandy on this most sunniest of Sunday's?  I have been away from the bloggy bits for a wee while catching up on stitching, some boring stuff and also writhing around feeling sorry for myself with an iffy back and arthritikky wrist...but don't you worry about me I'm fine...altho if you're wondering where the whiff of linament is coming from... you know when summin' fantasticly amazing happens; that moment when you just think..."YES! That's why I'm on this planet", like say, trifle?

Few years ago my bezzie mate rocked up on the doorstep, prized my fingers off the door frame and bundled me in the motor, kidnap stylee, for a half term day trip to Farnham Bird World.
My protests that they just stick chickens in hats and call 'em exotic were futile and I could tell by her death stare and the fact the child locks were on there was no escape

Despite my initial suspicions, third degree burns from a cup of the worlds hottest tea and a distressing incident in the gift shop when some 3yr old kid attached itself to my handbag and wouldn't let go (it was red with a monkey handbag...not the kid) we had a fun day and once we'd exhausted the feathery flappy things we popped over yon side of the car park to the Underwater World to see the fishy finny things
(Now as far as I know Farnham's not technically known for it's tropical sealife, what with it being in deepest landlocked Surrey n all, but a mate of mine did have a seafood medley off the Spud U Like once, so I could of course be wrong)

Anyway what with the sprogs being somewhat vertically lacking in the inches department at the time and a lot of the tanks being relatively high up, I designated myself ofFISHal tour guide and off we trotted:
"Woss that one fake aunty Kaz?"
"Woss that one fake aunty Kaz?"
"Bigger fish" (you can see I'm a bit of an expert in my field)
"Woss that one fake aunty Kaz"

...and this was it...the moment...

In my best and most loudest Dean Martin impression...


A withering look from my bezzie, 2 blank stares off the kiddywinks and they all buggered off back to the gift shop...I would have stayed and savoured it all a bit longer but in the distance I could hear the cry of a snotty 3yr old..."MUNNNKKKKEEYYY BAAAAGGGG!" so made a run for the car instead
Suffice to say there has been a distinct lack of day trips since, but it was a moment I still savour and cherish to this very day... like trifle

Anyway...tenuous, but true story/fishy link's the latest heading for an Etsy shop near you:
See Mr. Octopus just flopping about squiggly and leggy in his watercolouryness!

Hope he doesn't do himself a mischief on them there spikey urchins or pokey golden starfish!

There's a couple of wee shrimps bobbing about in amongst the shoals of hand stitchy fish in golds, oranges, reds and pinks!

A big old fish (it's the scientific name alright?!) in shades of shimmery blues and turquoise is having a swim amongst the seaweed
And cue Dean Martin....
When the moon hits your eye
Like a big pizza pie
That's a MORAY!

But hold on...who's that in the corner? Hang on to your bikini's girls!

It's only the Creature from the Black Lagoon..tsk... there you are minding your own business having a bit of a splash about, next thing you know you're being carted off by some bloody great lizard to his underwater lair...honestly it gives me the right 'ump!

So there you have it, it's got fish, it's got octopus, it's got Dean Martin...huzzah!

Few exciting bits jiggling in the background at mo, first off Hypochondriac Cockney Sparra is now living with the rather splendid street artist extraordinaire McClevey Art and he is making me my very own this space!

I've also heard from my Idiom homeboys and the collaboration piece is on the way...mucho excitements!

And hot Alan action:
He's still with us but not for much longer as we're preparing him for his release.  Mr. Mimi has built him a rather spiffing he is trying it for size...he seems to like it!

Have to say we are going to miss him terribly, but a hedgehog's gotta do what a hedgehog's gotta do, so tune in next time and help us say TA TA! ...(sniff!)

Right....did someone say trifle??
Ta ta for now you gorgeous bunch
Thanks for droppin' by!


jo said…
ROFL!!! I have just spluttered breadsticks and houmous all over the laptop....will never be able to listen to that song again now without laughing!
Carol Q said…
OMG your posts crack me up. How do you do it? LOL Love Mr Octopussy in his bright, cheery underwater world. good luck to Mr Alan in his new home. we adopted a duckling once who appeared one night outside the back door. he slept behind the fridge and lived with us till he turned into a duck. he was great company and I can understand how you'll miss Alan. hope the aches and pains go soon, they take the edge of things don't they? (sorry - long post!)
ArtPropelled said…
Its a MORAY! LOL ... Great octopus!
There seem to be a lot of iffy backs around lately. Feel sprightly soon! ..... though you always sound full of the joys of Spring.
Lyn said…
Your posts make me laugh so much!
Love Alan, will miss him, bety he stays shuffling round your garden till luuuuvvvvveeee comes a calling and he goes a lookiing!
MafiosaGrrl said…
that's hilarious...monkey's a moray. all of it, pure gold. I absolutely adore your octopus painting- gorgeous work!
Jackie said…
Wonderful. Fishy love ..and so relieved that my kids are grown...but sad too in a way.I miss the days out at surprising places.
Anonymous said…
good to hear alan is all set in his designer house...

and that will teach you to be stylish around the ankle biters!
Beverley said…
I love reading your posts - they make me laugh out loud, and cheer a body up!! Any chance the monkey handbag is a Kipling?
And that green monster with Mr. Octopussy - sure its not a killer Sea Cucumber?
I hope Alan has his little spotted hanky to pack all his worldlies in.
jafabrit said…
I love how you tell a story :) and share your work. It's fab.

sorry about the bad back, such a drag huh! I face the same probs. good days I take em" and enjoy them best I can, bad days, ugh! just try to ride it through.
Joanie Hoffman said…
Karen, oh you rascal. The colors in the octopus canvas! they are so, so beautiful. I came by to thank you for all your comments, and just like the song says (sings?), it was amore/a moray for the octopus!
(Plus I briefly dated a guy called Octo!tmi?)/
I am now going out to have pizza for lunch to celebrate.
Angie Larkin said…
Wow! Love it. The world needs you! My husband and I check in on your blog now and then when we are lounging.
Love the stitching on this latest canvas, Mimi and your words to the classic Dean Martin song are the best and Mr Octopus looks super cool. Bye for now, Lesley
Clare said…
Next stitchy goodness needs to be a tribute to the aforementioned(?) Malcolm methinks? Talking of pollocks we had that for tea last week and very tasty it was too! Great hog house too....Have a wonderful week of stitching x
Jo said…
Oh, my. Heavenly, heavenly holy stuff. I am in loooove. The sea life is STUNNING!
Tyggereye said…
So funny! Great canvas. My goodness I am in love with that octopus. Gorgeous!!
Undaunted said…
I'm not sure which I enjoyed more - the story or the painting! hehehe :)
happychachi said…
love the art! I've never seen anything like this before
Joanie Hoffman said…
He's here! in North Beach!
He is incredibly wonderful and so are the extras.
And so are you!
Claire said…
Hey Karen, stop stressing I am sure Mr. Robin will arrive safe and sound, after all he has Batman with him!!
Shall let you know pronto upon his arrival via comments.
Am very excited to have this handsome fellow live in my home.
Kinks said…
Next time I shall whisk you away to da zooooo!!!
Lesley Purcell said…
Just love your artwork and your posts - it's lovely to see such a fantastic sense of humour shine through too. And as for the Dean Martin impersonation.... class, we're not worthy.
Such a gorgeous post, I was crying with laughter at A MORAY. I shall miss Alan too sob

Didi said…
Love it love it!!!!!
My son would ADORE it!
He is a total marine bio fan....and octopus (ahem...cephalapods) are his thing.

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