No offence ;D

So how are well today on this finest of days? I hope you are all feeling as gorgeous as you are all looking today...and I'm includng you in the fluffy dressing gown.  Once again please forgive the tardy blogging behaviour, I shant bother you with excuses, suffice it to say the smell of linament has increased in line with volcanic ash clouds affecting airmail/stress levels...and dont get me started on the election...zzzz!


I'm relieved to report Dean Martin Octopus made his way across the Atlantic and is living with my mixed media mate Joanie in Maryland...mmmarvellous! And Mr.Robin safely arrived in the Land Down Under and is now nestling down for Aussie Autumn with the lovely talented stitchy cosie genius  Claire (check out her fabulous tea cosies and hottie huggers and then go and have a listen to her son Richards music; fabulous stuff and knows his way round a didgerdoo and a doesnt get better than that in my book!)

I also recieved this spiffing piece from  Id iom my street/graffiti artists chums
Spray paint, acrylic and hand cut stencils on and glittery too...I love it!

An Army of Mimi...all part of my plan for fluffy stitchy global domination...mwhahaha!

So, wanna see some stuffed stuff?!

I've drawn inspiration from a recent arguement in the back of the car between my niece 7 and nephew 11
Her standing outside car all snot and snivvlin' and him sitting in car sulking (grandad also in car with a haunted look in his eye)

Her, heavy sobbing and big fat tears:
"He called me a bad name!!"

"I cant say it's really bad!"

Just say it, you wont get into trouble promise
"He called me the R word!!"

Now I pride myself on the vast sweary dictionary I have in my head so figured this must be a new one that's all the pops with the young'uns these days...

The R word...what's the R word?
(Brace yourselves...)


I'm still trying to decide if I'm more offended by the language or the spelling
So talking of foul mouthed little 'Erberts.'s the latest collection heading for the old MimiLove Shop

Very Blue Tit

A wee blue tit

He's so blue with cold he's blaspheming blue language amongst the blue blooms!

In contrasting fruity orange:
"Effin' Nora! I'm bleedin' freezin!
Bugger this for a lark!
I'm effin' off to Spain.
Global warmin' my arse!"

A garland of stitchy flowers in shades of silky and shiney metallic threads are embellished with tiny glass orange beads for extra glitteryness

Next up for gno particular reason I just like's not unusual!

Tom Jones Gnome
Now please ladies no knicker throwing...

A jolly wee fella with his bright red hat and big bushy white beard standing around in his garden of hand stitched grasses with a scattering of daisies in white silks and shiney yellow french knots singing his favourite Tom Jones tune...

"It's good to touch the green green grass of ...gnome!"

He is backed with black & white gingham, has a spotty red & white loop and is stuffed with hollowfibre for your squidging pleasure

And finally, did someone say election? ZZZZZZZZZ..Golden Slumber Gnome as seen on The Hand Embroidery Network (thank you Victoria!)

Poor wee fella, he's cream crackered after a hard day's gnoming, so he's snuggled himself down amongst the stitchy toadstools and silky undergrowth to catch a few golden Z's

"Please Do Not Disturb!"

A smattering of green glass beads and wee dots of glittery golden paint add extra glitteryness!

So if you're looking for some hardcore squidgin action, head on over to the MimiLove Emporium: Putting the Effin' in Ephemera :)

Also in the MimiLove news: The collaboration has arrived... I shall be getting the thinking cap on and the Hot Fudge Cake special offer from Sainbo's's all part of the process you know?!

And a heartbreakey TA TA to our prickly chum Alan...sniff...

TA TA AL! :(

Fear not though folks, he's still in the vicinity, shovelling down kitty dins and setting off security lights in middle of the night and within 2 days of being out he copped himself a girlfriend...GO ALAN! :)

So with a heavy heart and thighs I bid you adieu for now....
Thanks for droppin' by!


ArtPropelled said…
Oh noooo Alan's gone a roamin in the gloamin! Well done Mimi for giving him a second chance in life. I'm just loving all the gnomen you've been creating and as for the R story! It gave me a good giggle.
Welcome back Mimi. They're all great, but my favourite today is 'Tom Jones Gnome'. Love the embroidery - and the laughs - so pleased that Alan has found a companion! Lesley x
Clare said…
Loving the blue tit...and as for Alan and his new girl, well I could mention about the size of his 'pricks' but that would be too blue for everyone I think even the tit! Have a great stitchy week.
Carol Q said…
yay - hooray for Alan and well done to you for bringing up to go off and do what hedgehogs are supposed to do LOL. wonderful to have artwork created for you and I love your latest - in fact I've been over to Etsy already! LOL
Jo said…
Ha! Ha! The R word. That is flippin hilarious.
Love the new stuffies.
ana said…
oh my! i love that r-word story and what it has inspired! i loved it so much i made my bf read the story too. & yay for alan! what a stud.
Moniqui said…
Thanks for the laugh,i needed that today! I love your art, it is so vibrant and full of life!
Cheering for Alan!
Jill said…
oh the blue tit is fantastic - lol ..wonderful post as ever :)
Joanie Hoffman said…
It's so nice to hear from you! Yes, Dean Octo is on the wall & in the house. Sorry to hear about the linament use increase, but happy to see the photos of Alan's return to the wild. No "Born Free" music?
Back to work,
Claire said…
Heya, greetings from the Land Down Under, thanks for dropping by to say 'hi' and leaving a lovely comment.
You made me blush all those lovely things you said about me and mine. Didgeridoos and puddings I'm still chuckling about those comments and it shall keep me smiling for the next week.
Great new stuffies, Mr. Tom Jones, has been in our neck of the woods recently, didn't get to see him, but have met him some time back.
That gnome is just too cute for words and of course I always love your feathered friends.
Mr Robin is very happy here at SBL I think he has scared off the local Robins with his good looks and his 'sidekick' Batman.
Go Alan!
You are absolutely classic!! Fantastic creations and lightning sharp sense of wit and humour... just what the doctor ordered, I thank you!! :0)
Anonymous said…
Alan is a lad about town now..

and the arse'ole story was a crack up..
just when you were holding the breath wondering what word it was..

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