DO believe the Hype!

...3!...2!....1!...Happy (bit belated!) New Year...huzzah! And I hope you all had a supremely wonderous Christmas and new year celebrations?

Once again for the 2nd year running we had the comedy cooker breaking down on the day mid nut roast and most of the family down with various stages of cold/flu, but the kitties liked their gifts and ran round the house off their kitty faces on new nip, Elvis got a fresh bag of dill so he was well chuffed (I believe that's the official term in guinea pig circles) and Lady the dog you have yet to meet as she's terrified of cameras, was also terrified of her new chew, but eventually overcame her fear long enough to shove it under the sofa... just in case.  All in a fairly successful season by our standards!

So regular readers of my incessant drivvling will know by now that there's not much that will come between me and my's been attempted before but the person in question still has the scars, mental and physical, to prove it.

But when I got an email invitation from the most groovesome of gals, Zoya from Exxagerated inviting me to join in with the annual Zeitgeist over at The Hype Machine ...the Music Blog of all Music Blogs...listed in The Gaurdian's top 100 essential websites no less...well the clingfilm was out and it was back to the fridge for the forseeable!

Now if you're not familiar with site and you love your music then I urge you to check them out.  They bring together a collection of the worlds most grooviest of music blogs for your ears

And if introducing you to like minded music lovers, a whole universe of tunes, introducing new bands and so forth wasnt enough they also put together an annual Top 50 of the most discussed Artists, Albums and Songs on the internet
They paired me with the band Best Coast which I was thrilled to the gills about as not only do I love their music but the lead singer has a beautiful ginger kitty, a star in his own right, can see more pictures of him and the band at the official Best Coast blog here:
even follow him on Twitter here!

So it was only natural that he should be the star of the piece and without further ado I would like to introduce Mr.Snacks featuring Best Coast...and chum!  You can find us at number 13 on the Zietgeist and there's also the chance to send a postcard prints of us on there so you can spread the Mimilove (or any other of the other 49 pieces too!)

See him in looking rather dapper in his new hat...mainly promoting his band, but also getting in on the act as he's picked out the letters Best CoAsT just so's you know whose the real star of the show!

Snacks, taking a break from the tour, is having a wee rest amongst the stitchy undergrowth, also having a nap and chilling out in a Desert Island Discs stylee under the palms, is his stitchy chum Garfield listening to one of my favourite tunes from their latest album Crazy for You

I've lost my job
I miss my mom
I wish my cat could talk!

A positive confetti of stitches in rainbow colours and a smattering of glittery glass beads for added colour and a fuzzy wee coconut in case anyone get's peckish for a snack...a Mr. Snack....titter :)

So, a humongous thank you again to Zoya and The Hype Machine for giving me the fantastic opportunity to join in this years list
Also a big thank you, a pinchy cheek and ruffle of the hair going out to my good chum; the supremely talented, very witty and sickeningly youthful Mr. Lee Crutchley the felt tippy genius behind Quoteskine and the illustrator at number 10 in the Zietgesit

Altho.. it was him who put my name into the Hype Machine hat...thereby makes him the one that came between me and trifle this better start running're only up the road and I'm suprisingly nifty for an old bird with thunder thighs!! x;0)

In between all the stitchy and Christmas action I was also invited to join in with The Treasury Trove folks over at Etsy.  It's not something I've ever explored before but I have to say I've become quite addicted to making treasuries!  In best Blue Peter fashion, here's some I made earlier:

So if you have a shop over there drop me line, I need your goodies for my new hobby! :)
Now stay tuned folks cos there's more Mimilove/Id-iom action going down, a chat with Cross Stitcher UK and I'm working on the next giveaway...think budgie...BIGGGG budgie! x:)
I hope 2011 has started magnificently well for you all! Big loves my homies and thanks for droppin' by!


Tyggereye said…
Beyond awesome!! Gorgeous painting and stitching. I'm going to check out your treasuries. I love making them too. My name over on Etsy is tyggereye and my store is the same. I have a few treasuries I've made. Not too many yet. I need to work on that! lol
Vigi said…
hi, You're an amazing artist, I love your work
Jo said…
Hello Love. Sounds like you have all sorts of good stuff going on. Adore the lyrics you picked out for the art.
Can't wait to see what's up for grabs on the budgie line!
iHanna said…
Oh! Your poor dog, maybe the dog needs an embroidery too instead of being photographed? I just got caught in that image of the dog hiding her toy... ;-) Love the embroidery and your new year enthusiasm!

Happy New Year Mimi!
Hi Mimi
Glad that you survived Christmas and congrats on being teamed with Best Coast - love the canvas. Wishes for a happy, healthy and rewarding 2011. Lesley
SWeet Birdy Love said…
Welcome back, you've certainly done a fine job on Mr Snacks, great collaboration. Loooove the hat, seen a couple like that around here somewhere....

You are getting around missy.....

Hope everyone is over the lurgies doing the rounds.
and the comedy cooker came good when it counted....
Best stitchy wishes for a fab New Year full of wonderful collaborations......
Tasha said…
Ooh I love Etsy Treasuries, I've bought many a thing over the years from looking at them. Yours are great!
Stefania said…
cristina said…
me encanta Garfield, gracias por dibujar una sonrisa en mi cara,
felicidades por tu obra
Anonymous said…
well that was a big chat for the first post of the year..

Thanks for adding my stuff in your treasury, it can be addictive..all that curating..

Now - It is time for the beloved hound to get some Mimilove action.
Will you do his portrait in your inimitable style?

He would love it and hang it by his new quilt.
Hi ... I'm having a giveaway on my blog ... one of my textile art hearts for Valentine's day. I would love you to enter Mimi Love x

Carolyn x

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