Will. I. Am!

Howdydoo my bloggy chums; feelin' groovy one and all?! I do hope so! :)

I like to think that myself and the class of 4/2 circa 1978 were the pioneers of flash mobbing when we were forced to re-inact our "old time musical hall" school play on a day trip to Covent Garden. The teacher in charge was suddenly gripped with the urge to foist our dubious musical talents on the general public and so it was that 20 something 9 year olds shuffling awkwardly in kagools and slightly queasy after a coachtrip and iffy packed lunch of stinky egg sandwiches suddenly started belting out "My old man said follow the van" and a medley of Cockney classics

A vigorous "Knees up Muvver Brown" proved the tipping point and the combo of travel sickness, grey boiled eggs and public humiliation had the inevitable consequences and without a caretaker with a bucket of pine scented sawdust to cover our embarassment, we were exited stage left pretty sharpish!

So anyway!

With a relatively incident free couple of weeks I've managed to get some stitching action in, which is still a work in progress so you will have to wait a wee bit longer to cop a visual on that and I've also been commissioned by my new chum, the super talented and one of life's all round wonderful folk Gayle

Now if you love patchwork then you must visit Gayle's Flickr stream as it is a positive feast of glorious colours and fabrics, I love the wee hedgohog with the wind in his spikes:

Beautiful colours and textures

And she also knows her way round a cake too...a subject, as you all know, that is very close to heart..many years ago, I made a novelty cake for my Dad's birthday; it was meant to be a teddy bear, it kinda went ok until the head fell off on the journey home, so by the time I presented it to him it was being held together with cocktail sticks and skewers.

By the time I'd added candles it looked more like Pinhead from Hell Raiser than the cute wee bear I had set out to make. To his eternal credit he acted suitably impressed, the look on his face was somewhere between shock and awe; there was even a wee tear in his eye although I think that was probably more cocktail stick than pride, I bow down in awe at Gayle's creation:

Gayle very kindly commissioned me to paint a watercolour portrait of her fabulous son William I don't often get to do people portraits any more so it was a real treat to get back into the groove with such a joyous photo to work with, you can hear his excitement!

Watercolour on paper

I've recently heard that Will's portrait has safely arrived in Vermont so huges sighs of relief all round and a big THANK YOU to Gayle for trusting me with her precious chap!

Stay tuned for some hot Starsky stitching action and an upcoming Stitch-a-Long courtesy of my Feeling Stitchy homies!

Now, cant sit around here all day bloggering about with you lot, it's teatime, the eggs have been boiling since 8am so they should be good and grey by now...

...pass the sawdust!

Til the next time folks, big loves to y'all and thanks for droppin' by!
x ;0)


Gayle said…
That is the COOLEST thing ever!!! We love Will's portrait, and you, too, Karen!

Beautifully done Mimi, full of energy! Gayle's quilting is great - so intricate. Bye for now. Lesley x
Claire said…
Ah, Kaz, you just made me cry-laugh at work. My mascara is running and I guffawed right in a colleague's face at your Cockernee stylings! That portrait is really rather awesome! xx
Carol Q said…
fantastic Mims. caught the life energy beautifully. I'll have to investigate Gayle's cakes and stitching too. looks scrumptious
Giggly said…
Wow!! I think I'm going to have to have you paint my kids next. ;)
You're a top class bird you, thanks for the laughs.... and fantastic art as always x
Raylee said…
gorgeous, beautiful work ,& you made me smile .....at your location description.
ArtPropelled said…
You're a wizard with watercolours Mimi! Beautiful portrait!
....and I'm smiling at the memory of whiffy hard boiled eggs in my lunchbox. Wish we had had a trip to Covent Garden. I did however get there a few years ago. Loved it!
Your portrait is awesome. You were able to capture the boy's energy and spirit. It's also very realistic and drawn well. Beautiful and amazing work.
Raylee said…
thank you for following our blog, you have made us so happy!!

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