Mornin' Majesty!
Ey up my bloggy chums! How's it all hanging? Wild, free and majestically I hope?!
So it's Big Lizzie's Diamond Jubilee weekend and before I continue I would just like to point out that when I initially wrote this post it was a glorious sunshiney day (yes, it's hard to believe but i do sit down and actually draft these blog posts!), however cos it's the Diamond Jubilee Bank Holiday/June/summer etc it's now hammering down with rain
I must say for all we Brits whinge about the weather; too wet, too cold, too hot, too weathery...the past few days of sunshine we had here were a right tonic for the old MimiBrain...after the last few months of greyness (in every possible sense) it was lovely to just sit in the garden, take 5 n soak up the sunny goodness for a bit.
And let's face it, regardless of the weather, the only sensible to thing to be eating at the moment is ice-cream, mind you I've never needed an excuse for that
So all this unseasonal warmth brought on one of the mother-in-law's great clear outs...never a good thing cos it's me who ends up doing it, but anyway, take my mother-in-law (please!)...holder of the "World's Most Superstitious Woman" award...nary a day goes by where something isnt bad/good luck.
Unfortunately she's also holder of the "Can't Remember a Bleedin' Thing" award and so consequentley we're forbidden from doing anything at any given point just in case
For instance any form of laundry whenever there's a religious holiday...forbidden. That cover's everything from Easter n Christmas, Diwali, Hannukah and any other she comes across, in case we "wash a member of the family away"
New footwear on any form of furniture will be removed from the building forthwith as will cutlery left crossed on a plate, certain flowers (again cant remember which ones, but nothing white...or possibly yellow) and if a bird even looks like it's thinking about coming indoors, it will induce a near hysteria...mind you, with 5 kitties I think the brid would be the unluckier one
Anyroad during the most recent clear out I pulled out an old carrier bag from the back of the hell cupboard...I was just about to toss it away when the scream went up:
I couldnt work out for the life of me what it was was round, light in weight, sounded hollow when tapped and rock solid:
"What in Gawd's name is it?" I enquired
"It's the hot cross bun..."
Of course it is.
" brings good luck to sailors at sea, you can't throw that away?!"
*insert blank look here*
I tried to point out that most of us live in Staffordshire, which is geographically the furthest point in UK you can get from the sea and as most of us are well into our 40's now there's not really too much of a chance of us joining the Royal Navy anytime soon...but she wont have it so it's now hanging in it's bag on the back of the kitchen door..."just in case"
So yes amongst a million other things she also has to vigoursly salute every Magpie she sees and this is accompanied by a shout of:
"Morning Majesty! Hope your well, hope your wife's well?"
We went past a field with a flock of 'em in once n she nearly knocked herself unconscious with all the saluting
I dont take her out much
So in honour of the loon-in-law I did this...she nearly had heart failure when I showed it to her pre-stitching
A right p*ssed off looking maggie all sloshy in watercolours, bright turquiose against inky blue black with a whiff of deep purple
Stitchy bits range from a rather tasty silky olive green with a bright turquoise silk
Black cottons and silks merge into the painting then there's a wham of bright red and wee whiff of pinky lilac too
Hand stitched maggie mate wearing a rather natty crown in metallic gold thread which is all glittery when light hits it
Built in superstition buster: "Morning Majesty! Hope you're well, hope your wife's well?!"
Watercolor n hand embroidery on canvas; it's got a stitchy magpie wearing a gold crown to keep the biggun' company (and shut her up!), loon-in-law's chant and all manner of stitchy bits...wot more could you want stuffed on a canvas?!
Available on my Etsy shop for the hardcore superstitous loon in your life! :)
Waiting patiently in the wings for a bit of stitching action is this fella
Big fat slippery frog, watercolour on paper this time, he's a fair bit bigger than my usual canvas pieces and will cause me all sorts of issues cos stitching on paper is a right royal pain in the lilypads!
Right witter over for now, I've got a tub of chocolate Cart D'or in the freezer n it's not going to eat itsself, so til next time my bloggy chums, stay fierce, groovy and sunny...*insert snarky grunt here*!
Pass me that spoon...
Big loves n thanks for droppin' by :)
I hope your prints are successful - I really think they will be!
They bring such wonderful "extra" to your absolutely wonderful art!!
... and I love frogs to ... oh, this is going to be hard... when will I win the lottery??? I'd so like to have them all!!