To misquote Abba: Bunny, Bunny, Bunny

Ey up my bloggy chums!  A supremely Happy Easter to you all…I have woken from choccy egg/celebration trifle coma to bring Easter cheer, well it is for us; kitty not so much…

So about 5 days ago Gloria one of the kitty gitbags, brought in a live mouse and dumped it in our living room, presumably saving for a rainy day play snack. 

She has spent a full on vigil by the step it went under, pausing only to run outside, The Flash style, for a quick wee and then fly back in as fast, without stopping for her usual screech hello to get back to it.

I too have spent all that time trying to catch it with our humane mouse trap (it sees a lot of action).
I finally got it today and let it go.
This is her reaction....

This coupled with the humiliation of the JML Christmas gift still festering in background, I'm fully expecting a kitty armageddon;  she doesn't take these things well...she's already menacing the mother-in-law!

In between p*ssing the cat off I have been a-painting and a-stitching like the wind though so thought I'd show you these before she wreaks revenge on them!

In keeping with the general Eastery vibe...BOING! A wee bunny popping up to see what's occurring!

Painted in watercolours onto paper, I've then appliquéd tiddly poppy flowers snipped from Liberty print fabric scraps. Embroidered stems and grasses and lovely French knots.
I've also added a tiny appliqué  busy, buzzy bumblebee to keep her company!

And this wee fella...

(hot pre-titchy action shot)

Ever so slightly grumpy bunny now stitched! The look on his face is not dissimilar to Mr.Mimi's face when I ask him to run the hoover round.  A positive bun-fest with 2 tiny stitchy buns hiding behind a big gold stitchy leaf.  Also features sprig of stems and leaves and French knots a-plenty.  Watercolour on paper with hand embroidery.

Another curious wee chappy,  joined by another appliquéd bumble bee. Embroidery features wee glittery gold French knots and a sprig of stems and leaves in blues and glorious contrasting red.
Watercolour on paper with hand embroidery.

And last but not least!
Slight variation on a theme, another bunny gazing up at an appliqué bumbly bee...(it might be the same one mooching from one bun to another!) A bright cheery sprig of stems and leaves and grasses. Watercolour on paper with hand embroidery.

All available for your bunny bothering pleasure at my Etsy shop! :)

Also in the MimiLoveForever news!  As if you weren't sick of the sight of me on social media etc you can now find me over at: and

I've recently been interviewed by the lovely folks at:
and here too:
(It's only fair to warn you those last two links do contain disturbing photo's of've been warned!) :)

So BIG THANK YOU to all those lovely folks who have put up with me droning on!

Right stay tuned cos I've literally got a shedload of new works to show you, including this chap who's next up for stitching action:

Must dash for now...kitty has woken up and I'm fearful for the wellbeing of various family members!

Big Mimi Loves to you all and thanks for dropping' by!! :)


Beverley said…
Thank you for your post, you make me smile and laugh out loud. I nearly bought the JML toy - instead opted for another, but that is equally being ignored, save for the odd tap from the comfort of bed by the radiator. It does get some action when I squirt it with liquid cat nip. But its still met with both of them saying "you expect me to do what?" Think its more successful as a means for cats to entertain DH.
mimilove forever said…
Ah thank you Beverley I'm so pleased I'm not the only one! ;0) xx

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