COMMISSION!! Bless you!
Before I start: Date for the diaries folks: Sat. 29th November. Tis Dickens Night in Atherstone and the hardworking volunteers of tam cats cats protection league will be out in force with their stall to help raise funds for the shelter...all sorts of goodies to win on their raffle too, including a pet portrait by a local artist....(ahem!)
So if you are in the area hop along, join in the fun and bung a few quid on raffle tickets to help the poor wussies! x
Also a big thank you to Kelly over at the HappyShack, home to her gorgeous jewellery (and twins!) for featuring my Doris Day Cow...Woohoo for Doris Day Cow! :)
So to the pictures
This week I have mostly been painting elephants. This is a commission for a lady who's mum collects elephants....not real ones as clearly that would be madness...altho she would have magnificent roses.
Anyroad, a watercoloury elephant with her wee bairn...I've used a bit of restraint with this one...(not easy I can tell you!) I was looking for a marginally less derranged vibe from the usual

I found a poem about elephant hugs which I thought was fitting so after a bit adapting, that got chucked in, as did a sprinkling of gold sequin hearts and glittery blue glass beads and hand embroidered hearts in shiney,metallic threads...which put my teeth on edge cos they making a hideous scratchy nosie going thru the I suffer for my art I do :0)

It's destined as a Christmas prezzie, which is always a bit of a hope I wont be ruining anyone's Christmas this year...I'll suggest having a bottle of summin niffy on the subs bench just in case...*Aviance Night say

*you may be interested to know I still have the advert for that in my head..."I feel sweet n I feel good...I've had a whole full day of mother hood, but now I'm gunna have an Aviance Night!"...swing rubber gloves over head to illustrate point...
I'm off, I feel an embroidery coming on... x!
So if you are in the area hop along, join in the fun and bung a few quid on raffle tickets to help the poor wussies! x
Also a big thank you to Kelly over at the HappyShack, home to her gorgeous jewellery (and twins!) for featuring my Doris Day Cow...Woohoo for Doris Day Cow! :)
So to the pictures
This week I have mostly been painting elephants. This is a commission for a lady who's mum collects elephants....not real ones as clearly that would be madness...altho she would have magnificent roses.
Anyroad, a watercoloury elephant with her wee bairn...I've used a bit of restraint with this one...(not easy I can tell you!) I was looking for a marginally less derranged vibe from the usual

I found a poem about elephant hugs which I thought was fitting so after a bit adapting, that got chucked in, as did a sprinkling of gold sequin hearts and glittery blue glass beads and hand embroidered hearts in shiney,metallic threads...which put my teeth on edge cos they making a hideous scratchy nosie going thru the I suffer for my art I do :0)

It's destined as a Christmas prezzie, which is always a bit of a hope I wont be ruining anyone's Christmas this year...I'll suggest having a bottle of summin niffy on the subs bench just in case...*Aviance Night say

*you may be interested to know I still have the advert for that in my head..."I feel sweet n I feel good...I've had a whole full day of mother hood, but now I'm gunna have an Aviance Night!"...swing rubber gloves over head to illustrate point...
I'm off, I feel an embroidery coming on... x!
What the heck did i do to deserve that i ask??
Anyways..lovin the jumbly...but lovin the fact youre lovin tweed even more...i forsee another wee little xmas gift finding its way to mimi Towers very soon,now where's me avon book?? ;-0
Loves you tonnes ol girl!
you know it!!
Ode to jumbly.....
I am a water colour elephant with my baby sweet.
Mimilove painted me for a Christmas treat.
I am softly painted, as you well know, but the sparkly bits and embroidery set me all a glow!
Never written an 'ode' in my life, but for some reason when I read your posts, I come over all poetic like!
ps going to get the map book out and see how far Atherstone is.
Queeny C.G.
Dear director,
I am about to link you somehow into the story...nothing negative....this story will continue to unfold as long as you desire:
I think its more proper for you to choose who you would like to be rather than me forcing a label on you and also let me know what your limits are i.e. what you wouldn't like etc
The following characters have been taken:
1. michelle obama's niece
2. Michelle’s personal assistant
3. The psychologist
4. the light
5. the musician
6. the jazz pianist
7. the musician from argentinia
8. the mermaid
9. the jelly fish
10. jumpy the little frog
11. thom of the red rabbits
12. the biochemist
13. girl without shoes
14. the poet
15. former art school girl
16. rebecca the priestess
17. the german actress
18. the safety comissioner
19. the unnamed artist
20. the flying cat
21. barack obama
I need to rename the blogs under the title directors blogs..
Please let me know who you would like to be?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes
Loving that embroidered bugger...and as for Manhattan Transfer - great reference!!