OHHH Crash! Bang! Wallop!...

...Wot a picture! Wot a photo-graffff!!!!
As Tommy Steele once said...seen him live I have...he's very short...(not Hannah Gordon short mind) and that folks is a Mimi-music FACT!
Right that's enuff show biz gossip for now...so remember this wee fella?

Well I've only gone n finished it! I know!
Now you may recall a while back inspired by and featuring one of my Dad's fabulous tunes, I did this...

...well I've used one of his nursery rhymes this time. He came up with this when I was about 4 or 5. I had a Fisher Price wind up fake radio thing; it had a bit of a clock affair on the front, which you wound up and it played Hickory Dickory Dock, kind of a pre-cursor to an I-Pod/Ghetto Blaster only all sharp pointy corners, lead paint n marginally less entertaining. Oh the merriment was relentless!

So in another collaboration I give you...

(To the tune of Hickory Dickory Dock...)
OH! Hickory Dickory Dockery
The Mouse smashed all the crockery
He smashed a plate
He smashed a glass
So along came Mummy
And smacked his...

See the little bugger!

He's smashed Wedgewood, Hi-Balls, Royal Doulton and Tumblers!
Loads of glittery sequins wot I have fashioned to look like smashed up crockery and shards of glass are hidden amongst the grassy embroidery...

Mousey mates are of course denying all responsibility..Mickey n his chum say "Not us!" (altho he was the little bastard who'd eaten all the cheese!)
Mighty Mouse say "NOT ME!"
Danger Mouse is having none of it either!

Big old patch of leafyness in bright reds and clashing pinks and oranges are festooned with glittery glass beads in shades of green adding a wee bit o glitz to the general mayhem

So if you're after a bit of Mimi memory mayhem in mousey form, head on over to my Etsy shoppy and spend like the wind!
And a right big thank you...THANK YOU!!!!!!!... to the divine Wardi (I've been a huge fan of her work for many a moon now!) for featuring my works over on Feeling Stitchy x

Pip pip for now and thanks for droppin' by x:)


meplusmolly said…
Oh how creative are your Dad's rhymes?!! just too good!
Beautiful painting, wonderful stitching and an inspired use of verse, in fabulous colours as always. Just blooming fantastic love! ;0 X
Tiff said…
I love this little varmint. He's definitely welcome at my place for cheese. I agree with meplusmolly; Your dad's rhymes make these very special.
Your work is so vibrant and exciting!
Demoiselle Libellule said…
This is so such a great work! And I love all the little details and the beautiful colours!
It's lovely and I really like the 'alternative' nursery rhyme. Great colours. BFN. Lesley
Anonymous said…
Brilliant as always!
Brook said…
OMG so funny I love it!! Hes such a cute mouse!
Mieke said…
OH WOWWWW this is so great!!!
hens teeth said…
Hickory Dickory Dock
Mimi has more in her shop
so pop on over
and give her stuff the once over
and make her bank balance go 'pop'!
Beautiful work and funny too, you made me smile :o)
Undaunted said…
I am in awe of your creativity! Absolutely fantastic! Love your Dad's rhymes too :)
queencraftygirl said…
I love your new amazing piece of art! It's so fun and fantastic!

I like the funny little rhyme :)

Anonymous said…
Hi, I've awarded you a blog award for having an inspirational blog, and for the encouraging comments you leave!
Leanne Pizio said…
Hey Mimi,
Found you through Queeny and Un D and thought I come over and say hello.
Your work is just fabulous! And the rhyme matches your piece exactly. the colors and stitching just to die for.
I'll stop back by often!
'fancypicnic' said…
Just superbo. love it.

...am I starting to feel a mite sorry for Hannah G?? Am I?? xx
ArtPropelled said…
You're a tonic! Do you know that? I love the darling little mouse even though he smashed the Wedgewood....as long as it's not my Wedgewood.
FRIZZ said…
oh how brilliant!!
i love your brain!

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