Right about now...

...the funk soul brother...and sisters...sort of
As fat boy slim mused...almost...

I should be so lucky, lucky lucky lucky, I should be so lucky in...swapping
Yeah! In y' face Kylie, you might be lucky in love luv but you aint got what I got, no Siree!

So cast your minds back if you can be bothered and you may recall that I've been a-swapping like the wind of late and I'm so chuffing chuffed with what I've received I wanted to share my wonderous bounty with you all...and possibly rub it in a little bit too x;)

So swapper number one please...
First up Penny Nickels one woman crafting genius, printer, spinning (not literally)and stitchy whizz.
This was care of the Phat Quarter Anatomy Swap

I just love this so much...I'm still running round the house with it and generally annoying the family ("JUST PICK ANOTHER NUMBER!")... but not only is it a lovely and very clever piece of stitchery, it's immense fun and takes me way back to my care free snot and marmite days and you can't knock that!
Saucy versions of these and her other magnificent works are available at Penny's Etsy shop and I have to say they are rather potent in a knee trembly way, so if you're looking for a stitchy aphrodisiac then look no further...the minx! :)

Swapper number two please...
Mrxstitch manbroiderer extraordinaire...that's THE Mrxstitch as seen in CrossStitcher magazine
One man, a needle of truth and a hoop of justice. To protect society from the threat of evil mutants... and also grows his own veg...huzzah!

This was our recent mutual appreciation society swap. Now I've seen some cross stitch in my time, but never anything as incredibly accomplished as this! I hope you can see the tiny stitches in the photo's...they really are teeeensy!!

I love the cockerel and his feathery tail so much and was extra thrilled when I found out he comes with a hidden message that can only be seen at night, or if your impatient like me under a duvet at 3 in the afternoon! :)
It really is a masterpiece of skill and stitching talent; I love the colours, the font and the quote makes me laugh out loud...perfect...nuff said! :)
It has been likened to a Wedgewood plate so fingers crossed this will prompt a whole dinner service in the same vein. So if you want to be a smug cow like me and have a piece of mrxstitch magic for your very own or have a hankering to have a go at your own then head on over his etsy shop for some kick-ass cross stitch patterns!

And if your after some hot contemporary stitching action check out the blog

Swapper number three please...
Beefranck cross stitch queen, blogger extraordinaire and the giggly half behind podcast Emergency Pants
This is the piece she did for me in our Mimi/Beefranck Love In.
I had no idea what she was going to do for me so when this arrived I was thrilled to the gills!

She's totally latched on to my obsessive mad cat woman leanings and couldn't have produced a more perfect piece. I love it sooo much it's living in my bedroom
The lions are heraldically, majestically gorgeous and I have decreed that this will be my official coat of arms!
I'm totally blown away by the skill and delicacy of her stitchery; the border is to die for and the "oh Hai!" is referenced from one of my absolute favourite websites lolcats and I can hear her saying it in my head everytime I look at it...this makes me smile and that is a gift in itsself.
So grab your purses and get over to her shop for some of the most inspiring, delicate yet devilish cross stitch you can get

So to the positive Royalty of cross-stitch I salute you folks and thank you for garnishing my world with your lovliness...oo-er!

Now I'm off for a wee while, I've had a surge of inspiration involving a pigeon...you've been warned!
Thanks for droppin' by x;)


Tiff said…
All of these totally rock my socks off. I'm so jealous. The fortune teller is my personal fave. I would be harrassing the crap out of my family too. "Swine flu".....teehee.

Looking fwd to the pidgeon. :)
meplusmolly said…
Oooo get you, it's all about mememe memememimimimii mimilove!!!!! Fab swaps lady ;0 X
*pigeon fancier!*
Anonymous said…
These are all wonderful, but the centre cockerel made me really laugh out very loudly!! - so funny, fab stuff all!
meplusmolly said…
Awight tis I again! have awarded you the 'Lemonade' award on my blog ;0 X
ArtPropelled said…
Snot and marmite days....lol....I loved those "choose a number" goodies. Bet I still know how to fold one.
queencraftygirl said…
Such wonderful swaps. The fortune catcher is my favorite :)

I really like Penny's work and have visited her Etsy shop and returned to yours, 'hearting' you both. Thanks for taking a look at my Etsy. Lesley x
Mad Aunt Bernard said…
I love swap 1. I made my mum one of these as I'm pagan and she wanted to know all the festivals I observe, so it's a perfect thing to do 8 of anything, and I also annoyed everyone by shouting 'pick a number' at them!
And I love swap 2. I've almost sneezed my tea through my nose!
Robin Joanne Standley said…
I just came across your blog
and you're work is Really Amazing, I'm extremely inspired--You are one talented individual.

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