Itty bitty, pretty boy, coat of many colours kitty, Christmas commissions...

...or Max n Todd for short

Happy New year to you all folks!

Oh I had such plans: a mass of site updates, blog visits, a session with the sewing machine and a different pudding every day, unfortunately the Flu Fairy had other ideas, so instead of festive hints of cranberry and cinammon, choruses of Auld Lang Syne and rivers of cream n custard surging through the joint there's a distinct whiff of Olbas, Lemsip, tcp and plenty of self pity groaning...grrr

So I hope y'all had a wonderous Christmas? Ours was...challenging

Apart from the muv-in-law the first to go down with the hideous disease leaving me to cook for 10 as opposed to the 2 I had planned, her dishwasher flooding the kitchen closely followed by the cooker packing up and a frantic call to the electrician bruv-in-law to come and save Christmas NOW or I will be forced to come round there and vigorously re-position his Christmas tree, it all went fairly well really...

Anyroad, s'nuff o my whinging!

Well turns out I made 2 people teary this Christmas (and it was nowt to do with me gravy) and had my pieces admired by Graham Norton over lunch in the Aardvark Tearoom...matron!

First up Max's "mum"
This was a secret squirrel commission for Christmas and a bit of a challenge as I had no photostream or blog to filch ideas from...I know!

Armed with a couple of photographs and the guidelines of: "loves anything catty" and Coat of Many Colours, I was left to my own devices...woohoo!
So I present (literally) Mr. Max

Thought you might like to see a bit of w-i-p action
Meet Mr.Max all watercoloury in shades of soft lilacs, blues and deep blue/greys

And again with a swift bit of tightening up on the painting (the misery of working from flash photography!) and some hardcore stitchery action

Peek a boo!

Stalking amongst the stitchy leafy undergrowth, he's left a trail of pokey paw prints all over the joint...tsk!

I happen to know Max has the song Coat of Many Colours sung to him when he's brushed (aww!) so I included the lines:
Oh yes we love your coat of many colours!
It is grey & white & purple & blue etc...

With each colour stitched in corresponding coloured threads
Last but not least, a wee Hello Kitty declaring her Max love with all her heart!

Secondly, the wonderous Kate...actress, comediene and one of life's lovely people. A bit of sneaky skullduggery between myself and the fabulous GiddyGirlie and I was off photostream stalking. Kate is a fellow budgie botherer so I painted a portrait of her beloved and very dearly missed Todd

I've blatantly stolen her photo too cos I love the tree..

So that was the final piece for 2009! A big thank you to everyone who trusted me enough to let me loose with their loved ones...always a worry, but does the old ticker good to know I'm spreading a bit of (Mimi) Love out there x:)

Work is about to start on a portrait for a 60th Birthday present, so no pressure there then and I'm planning on stuffing all sorts of new things for 2010 providing the Flu Fairy backs right off now!

Big MimiLoves to you all for 2010!
Thanks for droppin' by...ATISHOOO!!!!!


You are a little star-let! Your work is gorgeous and so glad to hear it was admired. Happy new year Mimi love xxxx
Happy 2010!
Very useful having an electrician in the family!
loving all your pet creations.x
Clare said…
Hope the dreaded xmas bug... like Elvis... has left the building. Lovely lovely things you've made no wonder GN admired them...I should think so too!
Hope you're feeling much better? Todd's my favourite and doesn't he look lovely amidst the lights of the beautiful tree. Congrats re Graham Norton - heck, you're famous! Bfn. Lesley
Hope you're feeling much better? Todd's my favourite and doesn't he look lovely amidst the lights of the beautiful tree. Congrats re Graham Norton - heck, you're famous! Bfn. Lesley
Jackie said…
MMMMmax. Beautiful painting/stitching.
I hope GN's admiration brings you fame and fortune. You deserve it so much.(Because not only are you amazingly talented you are generous with your praise)
Carol Q said…
ugh bummer re the flu and that was definitely a challenging Christmas LOL. what a gorgeous cat. and yet another beautiful bright budgie. congrats on GN - fame and fortune about to strike!!
Tyggereye said…
That cat canvas is amazing!!! I love it@! Wow I bet they were just so happy with it. That is truly a masterpiece. Love your stuff.
AeFondKis said…
Happy New Year Mimi!!! What a shining embroidery canvas star you are!!! Hip Hip Hooray for you!!!
Graham Norton should kiss your twinkly toes!!!!
Keep on rocking!
Linda x
giddy girlie said…
As always and forever: lovely! You blow my mind every single time! Max is handsome as a kitty could be! And Todd is so wonderful that I am running out of adjectives to describe him!!

Whatever goodness Graham Norton may bring to you - IT IS ALL WELL-DESERVED. :)

p.s. sorry about the Christmas crazies!! Sounds like the next big Murphy's Law type of holiday movie! :)
Joanie Hoffman said…
Howdy from North Beach & Thank for dropping me a (healing) line or two. I'm hoping by now my favorite artist and friend is all better.
Plop & friends say (or try to say): Happy New Year!
xox, Joanie
p.s. I'm out of the boot & wearing 2 shoes.
hens teeth said…
Hey precious
thank you for Flickr love....very much appreciated.
Sorry you have had the lurgy, hope you are feeling a bit better now.
Speak soon
gunnelsvensson said…
Hope you feel better soon?! Your work are so great! Wonderful! Thanks for nice comment on my blog. I wish you a happy 2010!
Claire said…
Cooee from "Downunder"sounds like one Christmas that will never be forgotten or is that, remembered?! Love your work have been visiting since discovering your blog late last year. Particularly love the budgies and sparrow. Warm wishes for a healthy and crafty 2010
Jacky said…
What fabulous and personal wonder there were tears. We do love our animals!

These two pieces are just beautiful.

Hope you are over the sniffles.

SueWis said…
Yes! Everyone thinks I'm crazy when I call my gray kitty "purple kitty." Finally, someone else can see the same colors! Gorgeous piece, thanks for sharing. :)

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