Don't make me angry!

Ey up my bloggy buddies! Cor blimey it's been a yonk and half since I've been at the ole blog it's fair cobwebby!But I haven't spent all that time shovelling down cake n chocolates...that's not to say there wasn't a certain amount of confectionary action, no I've been up to all sorts including some actual stitching!
So first up, a bit of trumpet blowing I'm afraid, but I was chuffed to bits about this so you'll have to put your fingers in your ears if raging me me me isn't your thing!
Guess who copped an Etsy Front Page?! OH YES! ;0)
Big thank you to DawnandRoss for including one of my Cockney Sparrows in their beautiful treasury :)
A huge sigh of relief now as I FINALLY finished the walloping great Audrey Hepburn painting...phew!
I'll be completely honest with you it was a royal pain in the doobries. I had a false start by getting half through a version of it which was just too hideous for words and brought on a monumental "I can't do it" strop.
However after a Mr.Mimi "give it up you insane old tart!" pep talk and a big deep breath I finally got my wotsits in gear and here she is...unfortunately the photo is diabolical but you get the general jist.
Pink innit?!
It's in a pop art stylee and there's no embroidery either, although as it was over a metre wide it's probably just as well, but the recipients love it, I'm never doing another one like it again and Mr.Mimi is nursing a bruised shin...all good ;0)
And talking of hissy fits...check this wee fella out...GRRR!!
Latest piece heading over to the MimiLove Etsy Emporium
This is not a happy chappy, I don't know what's got his giddygoat but it's got his dander right up!!
Oh dear it's obviously catching, look whose smashing his way through the undergrowth now, only the bloody Incredible Hulk!! GRRRR! (actually he bears an uncanny resemblance what I look like when I'm gardening)
"Oh don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry" stitched in black silks with ANGRY picked out in orange and red and lots of GRRRRR'S in cotton
This fella is painted and stitched on watercolor paper for a change and I have mounted the picture in a rather charming pale blue card mount and the stroppy little sod can be yours if you head on over the my shop :)
So this week I will mostly be stuffing gnomes and stitching snowflakes in readiness for Christmas...can you believe the supermarkets are stuffed to the gunnels with mince pies already? It just puts the pressure on me to buy n try them now, cos you know, I don't want to ruin the family Christmas by giving them duff's research alright?!
Big MimiLove's to you homies and thanks for droppin' by!! :)
Hope the bruising is subsiding on Mr. Mimi's shin, hehehe.......
Your latest little doggy stitchery is looking great, so glad I'm not around when that little ankle biter gets upset.....
Now that Spring has arrived it's time to pack away my Red Robin and Gnome and bring out my Cockney Sparrow, so happy stitching and stuffing to you.
Better hang onto your hat, sounds like you're going to cop some pretty windy and rainy weather over your way.
Claire :}