Din a ninna ninna ninna...
din a ninnna ninna ninna Mr. X-Stitch Mannnnnnnn!
First off I just want to say a ginormous THANK YOU to you all for your comments, mails and virtual hugs after my wee Bella post...it means a lot and is helping immensely xx
So, chucking myself into work!...Here's big shout out to my Phat Quarter homeboy (see,down with the kids there folks) Mr. X-Stitch!
Now if you have a memory like mine...I can vivdly recall every tinsy detail of my childhood up to the age of 16...ask me what i did yesterday and I will faint at the effort of trying to remember..
Hmm? Oh yes...
Well you may recall I am a fully (non) paid up member of the Phabulous Phat Quarter over on that there Flickr...heading up the band of merry stitchers next to his sister (I'm on to you 2!) is Mr. X-Stitch himself and after a bit of banter and veiled threats of violence, I'm chuffed to say I have secured a piece of his cross-stitch fabulousness of my very own which I will treasure forever...(unless he becomes as famous as I think he will, in which case it will be sold to highest bidder...Mimi needs a Merc..JOKE!)
So anyroad this is my homage if you will to His Stitchyness...
I give you... "X-Hens:This Time it's Personal"thankyouverymuch!

Here come the girls..hot pre-stitching action
Meet Simone, Rose and Wendy...pucker hens these, not just some random ones I've done!
All free with the watercolourin' in soft peachy/yellows n whiffs of lilacy blues (they are very pretty girls!)
See the hens all mooching around in the silky stitchy undergrowth wot I have festooned with glass beads and stuff...

Fell off the canvas again:

And there in the corner...Mr.X-Stitch Man with his call to arms
"With a needle of truth and a hoop of justice. To protect society from the threat of evil mutants. Come to me my X-Hens!"

Bushy leafyness!

Now stay tuned as Mr. Mouse is well under way...honest Guv!
Thanks for droppin' by x:)
First off I just want to say a ginormous THANK YOU to you all for your comments, mails and virtual hugs after my wee Bella post...it means a lot and is helping immensely xx
So, chucking myself into work!...Here's big shout out to my Phat Quarter homeboy (see,down with the kids there folks) Mr. X-Stitch!
Now if you have a memory like mine...I can vivdly recall every tinsy detail of my childhood up to the age of 16...ask me what i did yesterday and I will faint at the effort of trying to remember..
Hmm? Oh yes...
Well you may recall I am a fully (non) paid up member of the Phabulous Phat Quarter over on that there Flickr...heading up the band of merry stitchers next to his sister (I'm on to you 2!) is Mr. X-Stitch himself and after a bit of banter and veiled threats of violence, I'm chuffed to say I have secured a piece of his cross-stitch fabulousness of my very own which I will treasure forever...(unless he becomes as famous as I think he will, in which case it will be sold to highest bidder...Mimi needs a Merc..JOKE!)
So anyroad this is my homage if you will to His Stitchyness...

Here come the girls..hot pre-stitching action
Meet Simone, Rose and Wendy...pucker hens these, not just some random ones I've done!
All free with the watercolourin' in soft peachy/yellows n whiffs of lilacy blues (they are very pretty girls!)
See the hens all mooching around in the silky stitchy undergrowth wot I have festooned with glass beads and stuff...

Fell off the canvas again:

And there in the corner...Mr.X-Stitch Man with his call to arms
"With a needle of truth and a hoop of justice. To protect society from the threat of evil mutants. Come to me my X-Hens!"

Bushy leafyness!

Now stay tuned as Mr. Mouse is well under way...honest Guv!
Thanks for droppin' by x:)
(From my mobile)
love your stitchy hens!
P.s.: I am too lazy to login, but my adress is dxruben@hotmail.com
Thank you!
just love popping in here - well, you know that already...
thanks so much for your kind words the other day xx. yep - i know where you are...quick...run!! xx