Of Mouse n Man...

..and his sister!

Right, first off apologies if you've popped in to see what i've done to Mr. Mouse; bugger all yet would be the answer to that!
But, I haven't been *sitting around on my ever expanding buttocks all day eating cake, oh no, it's been a positive painty stichy fest here!
*(...I lie...)
It's a wonderous thing this internet mularkey innit!?
I've made some smashing new chums (you lot in my linky list and my faithful bunch of commentors for a start...feeling the love people...right back atcha!!) and joined some awe-inspiring groups

A wee while ago I joined the phrankly phabulous Phat Quarter, a group of needle wielders, over on that there Flickr...blimey there's some talent on there!

It's run by the brother and sister stitching Super Power: Beefranck & Mr.X Stitch.

They are also the geniuses behind the only podcast worth listening to, Emergency Pants and Mr X Stitch the ultimate in cross stitch/embroidery blogging...(and I'm not just saying that cos I was given a lovely post on there...honest guv'nor!)
I like to think that their family communicate through the medum of cross stitch
Grab your purses, go shop!

Whilst I'm at it I also want to publicly declare my love for the supremely talented Penny Nickels
Penny has recently organised the mother of all swapping sessions with the Phat Quarter group. The theme was "Anatomy" and over 30 of us took part and 3 guesses who is currently beside themselves with excitement to be receiving one her pieces in the swap...teeheee...(that would be me then)

Psst...you wanna see my picture?
Here is my part of the swap which is now residing with the naughty but nice (and fellow rat lover!) Ruby

It was a nerve wracking moment for me as it's a bit of a departure from the cuteside!
So here it is...
This is my version of the Jenny Saville painting "Propped" (one of my favourite artists present day).

Big (literally) sloshy watercolour nude.

You'll note I was a bit lively with the paints on the background, which I did like, but found the embroidery was getting lost, so I white washed it out, which I also kinda liked as some of the colour seeped thru in places

Keeping madam company are 3 stitchy ladies in shades of aquamariney greens..(look at her with her bristols out!).. just taking it casual, draped amongst the undergrowth all pinks, reds and clashy oranges.

Glittery glass beads and strategically placed french knots and few wee tiddlypeeps swimming around.
I also chucked in some Nina Simone lyrics cos I thought they were quite fitting:

Got my hair. Got my head. Got my brains. Got my ears
Got my eyes. Got my nose. Got my mouth. Got my smile
Got my tongue. Got my chin. Got my neck. Got my boobs
Got my heart. Got my soul. Got my back. Got my sex. Got my arms

Spelling mistake...could've unpicked it, but where's the fun in that eh?! :)

So that's what I've been up to but stay tuned for piccies of Penny's work

...now pass the mouse...

Also this week a very sad bye-bye to my furry mate Bella :(

Thanks for droppin' by x


meplusmolly said…
:( Bella
What can I say? as always words fail me with your work as I LOVE it so much! ;0 xX
hens teeth said…
Jenny Saville is one of my favs too! Gorgeous, inspired work my friend.

But most of all I am so sorry about Bella..... x
Joanie Hoffman said…
Here's my hug to you.
I am so sorry about Bella.
Unknown said…
oh no, so sorry about Bella... it must be heart-breaking :(

...gorgoeus work as always and a bit cheeky too!
Malissa said…
Sincere condolences. I have two dogs and don't know what I'd do without those monkeyfaces. Sending good vibes your way. (PS I love your work. I just haven't taken the time to say so yet, I don't think. Forgive the tardiness.)
beefranck said…
Mimi, I can't tell you how thrilled I am that you are an active part of the Phat Quarter group and that you were part of the swap. Your work is amazing! When you comment on things I've made I get a little giddy. :)

Also, I am really sorry about Bella. :(
Tasha said…
I am so sorry to here about Bella. I hope you can find some comfort in lots of fond memories with her. *hugs*
hens teeth said…
Sweetpea....take a look at this blog

I'm sure you will love it!
Mad Aunt Bernard said…
Thankyou Hens, she did, and now I've found her!
First of all, I'm sorry you've lost Bella - such a sweet looking dog.
Love your blog, your narrative is fantastic and I love people who have the mind to record a work in progress. I will be back again!
Our Hands For Hope said…
Love, love , love the combination of painting and fiber!!!
Great art!
ArtPropelled said…
So sorry about your Bella.
It sounds like you've been very busy. I'm loving the work you are doing, stitching each piece with humour.
'fancypicnic' said…
Ahh, Bella xx sorry lovey xx

Don't like to mention this but...Bristols!!!??? Blimey, I'll say!

Great stuff x

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