BOING! "Time for Bedlington" said Zebedee...
Yay! Hope everyone's fine and dandy?!
Right this is a biggun folks so you might want to grab yourself a nice cup o rosey and settle down for a bit...this may take a while!
These are the *final pieces in the series of 10 for the Aardvark Tea Room & Gallery set...*(I heard that cheer at the back!)
I am officially cream crackered with all the stitching so will be having a little breakaroonie for a while...(was that a sigh of relief George?!)
But I am taking part in the new Phat Qarter NSFW swap and also have new batch of mini's in the pipeline for my compadres at Miso Funky Towers so will be back in the stitchy groove soon. In the meantime I can be found tucked up against the autumn nip in the air with something tasty and cakeyish and Ovaltine
So, talking of snuggling up warm and cozy, I'd like to introduce...
Mama's & Papa's Time for Bedlington Terrier
Gawd I really hope you aren't getting too bored with these wee fellas? This chappy will send you right off to sleep if you are...

I usually like to give you a bit of hot pre-embroidery action with these, but the batteries packed up that day so you'll have to forgive the lack of wip shots!
See Mr. Bedlington all star gazey and woolly against the blue and purpley sky

Twinkle, twinkle little stars (and biggun's too) in a variety of metallic threads, including the one that puts my teeth on edge when I'm stitching with it!
Stitchy lyrics:
Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper I love you
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream little dream of me

Well it beats counting sheep eh!?
The Cure: Wonderfully Pretty Kitty

Ah it's one for the pussy lovers (matron!) a break from the doggies to bring you a cheery, bright stripey marmalade cat, just lying about, taking it casual amongst the pretties!

I really enjoyed this one! It's just loose and free watercolour madness with sloshy flicky bits and general devil may careness...much like meself really ;0)
Kitty is surrounded by a swathe of silky, stitchy flowers in a rainbow of colours; you gotcha reds n yellows n pinks n greens...and so on! There's shiney metallicy bits, french knots and a wee stripey stitchy friend for company....see how content they are with all the "purrs"

Stitchy lyrics in shades of green and orange from one of my favourite tunes:
"We're so wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully wondefully pretty!"
Name that tune Tom O' Connor!
Picture number 2 please:
"Lucky Lucky Lucky Kylie Kitty"

Slinky black cat, well I say black but it's more shades of deep bluey/greys with flash of bright juicy orange for a nice bit o contrast!

Keeping kitty company, a saucy vintage tattoo totty! She's festooned with stitchy shamrocks in a variety of silks, fluorescents and metallics, there's another vintage "Number 7" tattoo with a cheeky wee mousey on and lots of lovely french knots and flowery bits scattered amongst the lucky stuff

Stitchy lyrics:
I'm dreaming
You fell in love with me
Like I'm in love with you
But dreaming's all I do
If only they'd come true
I should be so...

I'll name that tune in one! :)
Come in number 3 please your time is up:
"Lionel Ritchie Hello Kitty Stitchy Committee"
(working title!)

A close up portrait this time of a lovely stripey tabby (not unlike my Mr. BiteyBabe)
in shades of blues and lilacs and browns

A garland of pretty flowers and french knots in silky shiney pinks and greens and a
wee Hello Kity in the corner having a little wave at you!

Stitchy lyircs:
Hello!! Is it me you're looking for?
I'm not a number 4 I'm a free man!
"California Dreamin' Greyhound"

Another close up portrait, this time a wee brindle greyhound in shades of orangey browns and lilacs

Stitchy lyircs:
All the leaves are brown
And the skies are grey (hound)
I went for a walkies
On a winters day

(I'm fairly sure those were the original Mama's n Papa's words)
Well all the aren't leaves brown. In fact none of 'em are! They are though red and orange and glittery metallic gold and purple! See 'em all a-whirling n a-swirling round houndy head!

And finally (was that a sigh of relief at the back?!?)
"Sunny Sunny Puggy!"

Ah a return to pugsville! You gotta love a pug intcha...look at him all smiley n daft n tiddly!
Free and loose with the paints in shades of lilac, turquoisey blue and deep blue/grey

Got a touch of the Vincent van Gogh's going on here with some big old floppy sunflowers using all manner of free stitchy bits; metallic thread for extra glimmer and shedload of french knots for your texture pleasure!

Stitchy lyrics:
Sunny, thank you for that smile upon your face
Sunny one so true
I love you!

Possibly Boney M...figure they'd be quite know...Bonio's n all that
So here they all are then, a group shot if you will, and they are all available for your perusing purchasing pleasure from Aardvark, as is cake.

After nappage I will mostly be painting and stuffing budgies for my Miso Funky chums. But no need for the RSPCA calls folks, it's a new flock of lavender scented hangers - cos nowt says "Happy Christmas, I love you!" than a stuffed budgie...get them whilst they're hot...get them whilst they're stuffed....get stuffed x;0)
I'm off...and don't forget:

Thanks for droppin' by! x;0)
Yay! Hope everyone's fine and dandy?!
Right this is a biggun folks so you might want to grab yourself a nice cup o rosey and settle down for a bit...this may take a while!
These are the *final pieces in the series of 10 for the Aardvark Tea Room & Gallery set...*(I heard that cheer at the back!)
I am officially cream crackered with all the stitching so will be having a little breakaroonie for a while...(was that a sigh of relief George?!)
But I am taking part in the new Phat Qarter NSFW swap and also have new batch of mini's in the pipeline for my compadres at Miso Funky Towers so will be back in the stitchy groove soon. In the meantime I can be found tucked up against the autumn nip in the air with something tasty and cakeyish and Ovaltine
So, talking of snuggling up warm and cozy, I'd like to introduce...
Gawd I really hope you aren't getting too bored with these wee fellas? This chappy will send you right off to sleep if you are...

I usually like to give you a bit of hot pre-embroidery action with these, but the batteries packed up that day so you'll have to forgive the lack of wip shots!
See Mr. Bedlington all star gazey and woolly against the blue and purpley sky

Twinkle, twinkle little stars (and biggun's too) in a variety of metallic threads, including the one that puts my teeth on edge when I'm stitching with it!
Stitchy lyrics:
Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper I love you
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream little dream of me

Well it beats counting sheep eh!?

Ah it's one for the pussy lovers (matron!) a break from the doggies to bring you a cheery, bright stripey marmalade cat, just lying about, taking it casual amongst the pretties!

I really enjoyed this one! It's just loose and free watercolour madness with sloshy flicky bits and general devil may careness...much like meself really ;0)
Kitty is surrounded by a swathe of silky, stitchy flowers in a rainbow of colours; you gotcha reds n yellows n pinks n greens...and so on! There's shiney metallicy bits, french knots and a wee stripey stitchy friend for company....see how content they are with all the "purrs"

Stitchy lyrics in shades of green and orange from one of my favourite tunes:
"We're so wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully wondefully pretty!"
Name that tune Tom O' Connor!
Picture number 2 please:

Slinky black cat, well I say black but it's more shades of deep bluey/greys with flash of bright juicy orange for a nice bit o contrast!

Keeping kitty company, a saucy vintage tattoo totty! She's festooned with stitchy shamrocks in a variety of silks, fluorescents and metallics, there's another vintage "Number 7" tattoo with a cheeky wee mousey on and lots of lovely french knots and flowery bits scattered amongst the lucky stuff

Stitchy lyrics:
I'm dreaming
You fell in love with me
Like I'm in love with you
But dreaming's all I do
If only they'd come true
I should be so...

I'll name that tune in one! :)
Come in number 3 please your time is up:
(working title!)

A close up portrait this time of a lovely stripey tabby (not unlike my Mr. BiteyBabe)
in shades of blues and lilacs and browns

A garland of pretty flowers and french knots in silky shiney pinks and greens and a
wee Hello Kity in the corner having a little wave at you!

Stitchy lyircs:
Hello!! Is it me you're looking for?
I'm not a number 4 I'm a free man!

Another close up portrait, this time a wee brindle greyhound in shades of orangey browns and lilacs

Stitchy lyircs:
All the leaves are brown
And the skies are grey (hound)
I went for a walkies
On a winters day

(I'm fairly sure those were the original Mama's n Papa's words)
Well all the aren't leaves brown. In fact none of 'em are! They are though red and orange and glittery metallic gold and purple! See 'em all a-whirling n a-swirling round houndy head!

And finally (was that a sigh of relief at the back?!?)

Ah a return to pugsville! You gotta love a pug intcha...look at him all smiley n daft n tiddly!
Free and loose with the paints in shades of lilac, turquoisey blue and deep blue/grey

Got a touch of the Vincent van Gogh's going on here with some big old floppy sunflowers using all manner of free stitchy bits; metallic thread for extra glimmer and shedload of french knots for your texture pleasure!

Stitchy lyrics:
Sunny, thank you for that smile upon your face
Sunny one so true
I love you!

Possibly Boney M...figure they'd be quite know...Bonio's n all that
So here they all are then, a group shot if you will, and they are all available for your perusing purchasing pleasure from Aardvark, as is cake.

After nappage I will mostly be painting and stuffing budgies for my Miso Funky chums. But no need for the RSPCA calls folks, it's a new flock of lavender scented hangers - cos nowt says "Happy Christmas, I love you!" than a stuffed budgie...get them whilst they're hot...get them whilst they're stuffed....get stuffed x;0)
I'm off...and don't forget:

Thanks for droppin' by! x;0)
I want one, really!
HOpe you are well, lady. Have an awesome weekend.
Your work looks so brilliant altogether,you have been busy!
M x
Unfortunately, I do not travel, but if I ever make my way up there I'll let you know and we can do a shoot :)
Thanks for the love
I am in awe of your talent.
And the puppies and kitties are still sweet.
I'm loving your works...
By the way I'm a first time visitor to your delicious blog!
Have a fab day darling~
Thanks for dropping by as well...
Hope to highlight & post link your works in my blog one day...I'm sure my lovely readers would enjoy that!
~Cheers to your creativity*