Crazy Horses A-WAH A-WAH (part 3!)

Well not quite...

Well it's September folks, nippy autumny whiffs in the air, kiddywinks back to school and of course the obligatory Christmas mince pies in the supermarkets.(NO! NO! NO!...It's wrong I tell you...keep Christmas in piggin' December!!!!...grrr)

Mind you saying that, if you should be looking for a fabulously unique, one of a kind, Christmas gift for that special someone, then do consider the gift of MimiLove! A fully customized, personalized, Mimilized portrait be it furry, scaley or feathery friend could be the answer to all your Christmas quandries and lets face it nowt says "I love you" than a dog embroidered with *Barry Manilow lyrics
*(other lyrics/artistes are available!)

So talking o ggggrrrrrr!
This wee chappy is the 3rd in the series for the Aardvark Tea Room & Gallery

The first group have arrived safely and are currnetly enjoying the cakey delights and spiffy Art's Festival going on this month

The other 5 are still having their stitches sorted but are well under way and itching to get down there to join in the fun!

So, you've met Bazza Manilow's Lola the Chihuahua and Kojak Pug so now I would like to introduce you to:

See Donny all watercoloured right up in shades of the deepest blues n greys with flashes of orangey browns and some sloshy reds and purples for good measure!

He's a miniture dachsie in every sense (12cm by 10cm to be exact...bless!) and trying depserately to impress depsite his lack of inches, unfortunately he's a bit on the thick the spelling mistake?!

And they called it pOUppy love
Oh I guess they'll never know
How a young heart really feels
And just why I love you so

Well he tried bless him!

It's a shame cos he'd written it beautifully in his best stitchy black handwriting, then goes and let's himself down by crossing it out in orange and hopes nobody notices...tch!

Anyway he's hoping a big old bunch of poppies in reds, purples and glittery metallic pinks with some glass beads will distract you from his feeble shiney!

So if you're looking for cake, culture and illiterate dachshunds get y'self down to St.Leonards-on-Sea and soak in the good MimiLoving!

There's another birthday in the MimiJoint this wek so if you don't hear from me for a wee while it's cos I'm in a cakey coma...also big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to my birthday doppleganger GiddyGirlie!

Pass the choccies!!!
Thanks for droppin by! x;0)


Ooooh I'm lovin those beads in the centre of the flowers, they look like blackberries ... got blackberries on the brain at the moment!

Have a good rest of the weekend :o)

Carolyn ♥
arlee said…
i LOV the poppy puppy poppie :}
AeFondKis said…
Oh yes the poppy and the puppy are so gorgeous! Another mimilove masterpiece has been born!
Linda x
ArtPropelled said…
You've captured the perfect Dachsie expression on it's face and I do love the beaded centres of the poppies.
Jennifer said…
you are so inspiring! i'm pretty by the book, but i do need to start experimenting...
He is very cute and the composition, with the poppies on one side and the blackcurrant coloured trail of paint on the other, works a treat. Very nice indeed! BFN. Lesley
Jo said…
Girl, you are an artistic mastermind. I love the colors in this one. and the poppies are stellar.
Cherry said…
I love daushounds! They are adorable! *___* I love you watercolours! And the embroidery totally fit with it! Your work is fresh, beautiful and different!
Keep um the lovely job! <3
You cheer up my morning! What an imagination :0)
Cherry said…
Hello Mimi!!!
Thank you so much for your sweet comments! My comment system is working but it requires an aproval, but I trying to take that system off... Im kind of new to wordpress. I was a blogger user, ehehe! Thanks so much for the visit! Its an honor! I admire your work so much! Kind regards and thanks again! And your lovely comments are showing! =)

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