Firstly I'd like to send a big shout out to all the people who have left me lovely comments on my work; good for the heart and keeps the old motivationals going you know, so thank you everyone for dropping by and taking the time! And a special thank you to the wonderous Hensteeth too...home to Huglies and top notch stitchery, if you haven't visited her store I urge you to grab your paypal account and do so forthwith! X:0)
So anyroad, this was my first go at embroidery (back in 2007), as you can probably tell by the sheer amount of stabby needle holes, although happen to think they add a rather charming touch of texture...I'm sticking to it!
(Apologies for the's not my strong point!)

This is a abstracty stylee portrait of my Dad...Dada!... much loved and deeply missed. He was a wonderous person and made me laugh like no other and the photo that I copied this pose from is one of my faves; he was taken from us unexpectedly by cancer at the age of 49, followed 4yrs later by Mummsie at the age of 55, and their abscence in our lives is sustained and unequalled...

But enough of the mawk! he was a constant source of joy and inspiration (he was my main model for practising my portraiture!). My bestest chum loved him and always called him her 2nd Dad so this was a wee canvas that I did for her as a house warming prez
Thank you for lovely mention and I'm really glad that you and I have met, even if it is only in blogland. It's real good fun flower x