You know the Simpsons... that girly giggle Homer does or the high pitched scream Ned Flanders does when he's excited?
Well that's the noise coming from MimiLove Towers lately!
The wonderous Hamish saw fit to add me as a guest designer over at the frankly f*ckng fabulous Miso Funky. I'm joining the wonderous Laura Donald and her amazing Eastenders themed embroideries!
Can I click it?...

Yes, you can....and so on in a De La Soul stylee...
I'm also about to start work on a new piccy...waiting for some hot embroidery action...tap tap tap

OOO! And I've been tagged...thank you QueenCraftyGirl...I think!
Ok.. so 7 random factoids...hmmm...well
1. I have an irrational fear of submarines, boats and bouys
(had quite a turn in a garden centre once when they'd used a big old boat thing for display...makes me feel quite clammy thinking about it)...I blame Jaws and the countless afternoon war matinees my mum watched
2. I'm disturbingly good at robotic dancing...it's a gift you know (I can also do the Hucklebuck)
3. I didn't have a Yorkie bar for 4yrs cos my Dad had me convinced you had to have an HGV licence to buy one
4. I once slept the night in the bumper cars at Brighton
5. In my head it's still the 1970's...(I'm watching the Sweeney as I type this Guv'nor!)
6. I've got appalling eyesight; I can't work past dusk and have to get Mr. Ben to thread my needles
7. I'm still using Nanny Grenfell's sewing box...it's old than me, but probably not as knackered! :)
Now...TAG...YOU'RE IT!
(No worries if you've already been got!)
dropstitch, lou, brook,mooosh, laurel,colourfuldayz and crazyjane
Well that's the noise coming from MimiLove Towers lately!
The wonderous Hamish saw fit to add me as a guest designer over at the frankly f*ckng fabulous Miso Funky. I'm joining the wonderous Laura Donald and her amazing Eastenders themed embroideries!

I'm also about to start work on a new piccy...waiting for some hot embroidery action...tap tap tap

OOO! And I've been tagged...thank you QueenCraftyGirl...I think!
Ok.. so 7 random factoids...hmmm...well
1. I have an irrational fear of submarines, boats and bouys
(had quite a turn in a garden centre once when they'd used a big old boat thing for display...makes me feel quite clammy thinking about it)...I blame Jaws and the countless afternoon war matinees my mum watched
2. I'm disturbingly good at robotic dancing...it's a gift you know (I can also do the Hucklebuck)
3. I didn't have a Yorkie bar for 4yrs cos my Dad had me convinced you had to have an HGV licence to buy one
4. I once slept the night in the bumper cars at Brighton
5. In my head it's still the 1970's...(I'm watching the Sweeney as I type this Guv'nor!)
6. I've got appalling eyesight; I can't work past dusk and have to get Mr. Ben to thread my needles
7. I'm still using Nanny Grenfell's sewing box...it's old than me, but probably not as knackered! :)
Now...TAG...YOU'RE IT!
(No worries if you've already been got!)
dropstitch, lou, brook,mooosh, laurel,colourfuldayz and crazyjane
'sweet', bangin', 'mint', 'off the hook man'.
Queeny C.G.