Multi-Coloured Swap Shop!
OOO if you down to the woods today you're sure of a big surprise, cos *today's the day the Polar Bear moves in with FancyPicnic!
(*S'not strictly true as it was last week, but why ruin the moment)
Right. When I was a wee girly I'd hang off my mum's pinny, whimpering until she cracked and I could drag her into Woolworths; a cavern of wonderoursness at that age...18...(no...I was about 4 or 5)
Anyroad I'd always make a bee line for the toys, specifically kaleidoscopes. They were just pure magical love for me, I'll never forget the wonder of the all colours n patterns n sounds they made and could have spent all day in there with them (if memory serves I was eventually given one!)
But the point I'm waffling to make is, Charlotte's work and photography takes me straight back there to those simpler days of pure enchantment with her combo's of colour and texture and glittery lovliness.
So when she agreed to go all Noel Edmonds Multi Coloured Swapshop with me I was thrilled to the bits!
Look! Int they GOOOORGEOUS!! (I've pinched Charlotte's piccies as I had no hope of doing them any justice with my pinhole camera n dwindling eyesight!)

Gorgeous fabrics...CHECK
Supreme craftwomanyship...CHECK
Glittery twinkly gorgeousness...CHECK

*As I said to my mother-in-law who made an attempt on their ownership....BACK OFF GRANDMA! (she's old, but surprisingly stealthy)
Lately I've been surrounded by petty beaureaucratic crap, rooking theiving car dealer conmen n general grey,drag you down miserableness. So to have these little beauties pop through the letter box, well it fair does the heart good and no mistake!
So to FancyPicnic, for putting all that thought, effort and love into your work and generally restoring my faith in human nature...I salute are madam, a star......albeit with big thighs...JOKE! x;0)
In other batches of puggy pendants are winging their way to the Miso Funky shoppy... are puggy pursies!

and stitchywork has begun on the chicken....huzzah!
Thank you for popping by! :)
(*S'not strictly true as it was last week, but why ruin the moment)
Right. When I was a wee girly I'd hang off my mum's pinny, whimpering until she cracked and I could drag her into Woolworths; a cavern of wonderoursness at that age...18...(no...I was about 4 or 5)
Anyroad I'd always make a bee line for the toys, specifically kaleidoscopes. They were just pure magical love for me, I'll never forget the wonder of the all colours n patterns n sounds they made and could have spent all day in there with them (if memory serves I was eventually given one!)
But the point I'm waffling to make is, Charlotte's work and photography takes me straight back there to those simpler days of pure enchantment with her combo's of colour and texture and glittery lovliness.
So when she agreed to go all Noel Edmonds Multi Coloured Swapshop with me I was thrilled to the bits!
Look! Int they GOOOORGEOUS!! (I've pinched Charlotte's piccies as I had no hope of doing them any justice with my pinhole camera n dwindling eyesight!)

Gorgeous fabrics...CHECK
Supreme craftwomanyship...CHECK
Glittery twinkly gorgeousness...CHECK

*As I said to my mother-in-law who made an attempt on their ownership....BACK OFF GRANDMA! (she's old, but surprisingly stealthy)
Lately I've been surrounded by petty beaureaucratic crap, rooking theiving car dealer conmen n general grey,drag you down miserableness. So to have these little beauties pop through the letter box, well it fair does the heart good and no mistake!

So to FancyPicnic, for putting all that thought, effort and love into your work and generally restoring my faith in human nature...I salute are madam, a star......albeit with big thighs...JOKE! x;0)
In other batches of puggy pendants are winging their way to the Miso Funky shoppy... are puggy pursies!

and stitchywork has begun on the chicken....huzzah!
Thank you for popping by! :)
Great necklace from Charlotte.
I think your pug purses are brilliant mimi.x
Howdy, Missus Trading Pardner!!
SOOO glad you were happy with your swap...and thankfully not a Cheggars in sight. Phew! Mr Bear is a HUGE hit in this ole house - thanks, Karen xx He really is exquisite. I'm so lucky.
As for the was the fluid-retentive-marrow comment that did it, wasn't it??!!
I found you through Charlotte from fancypicnic! Love the polar bear you created for her (you are very talented).
And I love what she has made for you too. Love her art (and she is such a sweetheart too).
Will come back and visit soon - gorgeous stuff!
Dot :)
Looks like a great swap though! What a lovely idea! Both pieces are beautiful. You lucky ladies!