Don't Eat the Daisies!

OO it's got a cow, it's got embroidery, it's got Doris Day...what more could you want?!
A free loose style painting to keep the colours fresh and bright, pencil marks are also visible. Colours are shades of blues, zingy yellows and greens
I embroidered the painting with french knots (mmm!) in green and scattered daisies in white and cream, the wording in black embroidery silk.

The painting was embellished for extra glittery kitchyness with tiny glass beads in contrasting zingy orange, clear glass and opaque green glass
Daisy say MOO!
Sold...huzzah! Etsy for animals..all cash raised goes to helping various animal charities
Found you via glad I did!
Love your artwork...chickens/roosters are fab. I really like the block canvas with the embroidery. Nice touch.
I especially love the cow painting, they are my favourite animals, i think i might be buying this postcard very soon!
Even my bf liked it and made him smile, and he never likes/understands my purchases! x