Dooo dooo dooo....

bloo doodoo...that's prog rock that is!
This was a little zippy uppy bag for my bezzie friends birthday...check her out over on my links over there!
She is a massive music lover and prog is her bag...(teehee...see what I did there?!) with that in mind I went with the chicken theme again as it's a personal fave...see below...hand painted and heavily beaded with glass, ceramic and plastic beads plus sequins and faux coral.
I went with a big chunk of the Peter Gabriel song Solsbury Hill as she adores the man and the place and it's my favourite tune and it reminds me of her and I like the Boom Boom Boom bit....there are a couple of other messages on there too!
I've also immortalised her proggy muso mate John Young playing his keyboard too...check him out over on my links over there!, he's ever so good
The bag also features a pretty organza and thong carry strap and I've replaced the zip pull with a large diamante studded cross for added rock chick gothyness!
Think she liked it :)
If my bezzie made a bag for me like that with all that thought, time, energy, love and skill....well I think I would implode, not explode as that would be messy!
well that an an awful lot o snivelling an snottin!
(luckily tho missus...not on your fav tshirt this time!!)
Im immensely pround of Mimi...and my wee bag.
I shove it in everyones face to get them to look at it!'re next :-))
Sal :-)